Sunday, January 22, 2017

The March

SO many people gathered in Washington, around the country, and around the world to march on Saturday 1/21/2017.  For others, it was an ordinary day.  I wonder, when people gathered in Washington back in 1963 to hear Martin Luther King give the "I Have a Dream Speech" that we now view as iconic, was it an ordinary day for most people?  His crowds were much smaller, but the movement turned into something enormous.  Could it be that yesterday's massive crowds will someday be marked as a pivotal moment in history?

I do have a question about yesterday, and I am asking everyone who sees this question to answer as concisely as possible.  Write from the heart, plainly.

 For those people who attended a march (or wish your had):  What specifically do you want Donald Trump to do or not do?  In a nutshell, what is your cause?

For those people who oppose or don't understand the march:  Please explain why.

Again, please refrain from sarcasm and negativity.  Let's have a real conversation!


  1. At this point it's not what he should do as he has already done the damage. I do think positivity is the key now.

    First drop the slogan "Make America Great Again". We have been great. There are so many positive ways he could've said that. How about make America even greater, or America can be even greater? Anything a bit more positive.

    If someone speaks negatively about him, he should not lash out. If you don't have something nice to say, be quiet. He's the president, a supposed role model. Practice what Michelle Obama preaches, if someone goes low, go high.

    I personally am resentful for his lack of respect for women. Once it was out in the open of the sexist and demeaning way he spoke about women (whether in his own private time or in public), his only response should have been that it was completely wrong and he would never do it again (or something to that effect). It is demeaning to all women to justify comments like that. It will take way too much to make up for that.

    There are many groups of citizens who have their reasoning for their utter dislike. Trump cannot go back and take away the actual things he has said/done...calling people 'nasty', minimized efforts of many war heroes, claiming Heidi Klum is no longer a 10 (really??). His views are quite old fashioned but yet he forgets our country has been built on immigration. I can go on and on. There is no possible way to legitimize some of the ruthless things he has said.

    In my eyes, his integrity is largely lacking. He will need to go the extra mile(s) to support the various communities who he has offended. I personally am pretty nervous about what kind of a mess his inability to be tactful is going to get us in.

    1. Thank you so much for your comments. His lack of tact, manners, and respectfulness scare me. He chooses to attack when smoothing a situation over would do nicely. He goes low even when it would be just as easy to go high.

  2. Just like how people gushed over dresses on Friday and ignored the faux-populist message, it is easy to get caught up in the counting game of the Women's March and miss why active resistance is so important.

  3. Your point is well-taken. But in all honesty, while Trump benefited from Russia's interference, that can not be blamed on him. There were republicans who spoke out against Russian interference (McCain, Graham, Rubio) but we the voters allowed ourselves to act on information stolen by Russian hackers. I have to ask this, should the media have published the leaked materials?

  4. I have a number of fears of what Donald Trump will do. But, in my opinion, there is something more important than the laws he will enact.
    He is making main-stream the opinion that women are there to be used by the rich and powerful as they see fit.
    He is normalizing the view that mocking and bullying those different than ourselves is right.
    He is normalizing fear and hatred towards others.
    He is distracting all of us from these really scary ideas by focusing on the meaningless stuff (Saturday Night Live for example).

    The laws he wants to change are bad enough, but we can keep fighting to reverse the laws. If he succeeds in normalizing his opinions, we will not be able to reverse his legal changes.

    This is what scares me.

    1. Perfectly said, I have yet to see it stated so blatantly correct. He is destroying morality, which I agree is more important.
