Saturday, February 11, 2017

How Do We Get Off the Seesaw?

Everything I read in the news points to a political seesaw.  Democrats say Republicans disliked everything about Obama and were ready to stonewall any effort he made do anything, no matter what he wanted to do.  Republicans accuse Democrats of being against anything Trump wants to do.  Both sides seem to be right.  At this point, we might as well build that wall right down the aisle in Congress.

Here are my questions:  What happened to the rest of the republican party?  How do we get the left-leaning or even centrist republicans to stand up to the ultra-right?  How do we get both sides of Congress to work together on solutions we can all live with?  How do we make politics less partisan?

Please answer these questions on my blog, and please share them so we can get lots of suggestions.  Please share and answer whether you are democrat or republican!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Sound Off On Betsy DeVos

Now that the issue is at hand, I have a question to through out.  Please comment.
What, specifically, are you afraid that DeVos will do as Secretary of Education?

Sunday, February 5, 2017

If Only I Could Teach the World to Do This

I went to book club, as I do every month and a half.  We had a political discussion.  Some of us are more pro-Trump.  Others of us are more anti-Trump. If you were a fly on the wall, you would not be able to tell which of us embraces which stance without listening carefully.  We disagreed without a single raised voice.  We politely corrected each other on unknown facts.  We asked each other why we believe as we do, and then we LISTENED.  As it turns out, nobody knows everything.  We each learned something. We can each learn from the "opposition".

I am saddened by people who lament that their families have been split apart by politics.  My own family comes from opposite camps.  But I will not stop talking to anyone because they love Trump.  I will question.  Then I will listen.  I will respond.  But I will not have my family split by this situation.  That would give bipartisan politics way too much power in my life.  I don't choose to yield that much control to any outside force.

We have to remember this.  Whether democrat or republican, we must be American first and foremost.